Meeting in Austria - environment & organic farms
After resuming the work on the environment topic - focus on food loss and food waste - we created a booklet on tipps & tricks to protect...

Meeting in Austria - first impressions
We become aquainted, have a school tour, and already start the work. Then there was a nice invitation by our Mayor of Judenburg, Hannes...

Arriving @ Austria
19 Students and 13 teachers from Sweden, Finland, Germany, Italy and Greece arrived sound and safe. After being sorted to the different...

Austria Prepares
The planning and organizing of the Austrian meeting is in its final phase. We are all looking forward to meeting our guests and hope they...

Back home from Germany
Yesterday we had a nice final day in Stuttgart visiting Mercedes Benz Museum and the city center, enjoying each other's company. As early...

Meeting Germany - summing up
After working on challenges about environment and social issues we agreed on our Agenda for 2019 - 10 statements we want to put into...

Meeting in Germany - roaming about
Roaming about Germany, visiting a factory with solutions for air pollution, a car company as well as regional sights. Keller Lufttechnik...

Meeting in Germany - become acquainted
After getting to know one another we already dig deep into work: we compare what the biggest challenges in our countries are concerning...

On train & plane to meeting in Germany
Packed and prepared for our first student meeting. First task: arriving sound and save. Second task: getting to know one another. Third...

Preparing for meeting in Germany
Working on preparations for German meeting almost around the clock... ;) Lots of things need to be done. Students matched for the...