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Austria | 8750 Judenburg | Stadionstraße 8-10 |

BHAK/BHAS Judenburg is a business school from year 9 to year 13, so students are mainly 14-19 years old. Aside from important subjects of general education, the focus at the school is on business subjects as well as languages. Therefore students have to do some small business projects and work in training companies as well as doing internships at local or international businesses. After usually 5 years, students gain an A-level graduation in general education as well as a “work diploma” in business specific areas.

As it is very important to us to provide a welcoming learning environment, we work together with our students in peer-tutoring projects and students engage with their ideas to make “school” a work-friendly place.


Student quotes:

“I would really like to get to know even more about other cultures. I love other languages, customs and traditions. Meeting people around the world is very important for the development of us, young people. Also setting out from Austria and travelling is something we all need to do.

A quotation from Dalai Lama: 'Visit every year a place that you haven't been to yet.'”


Our motivation as school to take part in a big transnational project is probably to challenge our students on many different levels. It is a challenge for them to say yes to travelling abroad but to do also all the work involved. It is a challenge for some to convince their parents that the world is not that dangerous a place so they might be allowed to participate in a transnational meeting. It is a challenge for some to form an opinion - let alone forming that opinion in English - about topics that don't affect them directly as most of us are very privileged to read of the world's big problems only in newspapers.

It is a challenge for us teachers to make students aware of what's happening in the world without scaring them but enable them to be part of the discussion and ultimately part of a solution.






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