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2nd Peiramatiko Geniko Lykeio

Greece | 11521 Athens | Panagi Kiriakou 12 |

Our school aims to provide general public education of the highest standards. Being an Experimental School it supports educational activities that strengthen students’ competences of non- formal literacy. In this frame of reference there are groups of various subjects beyond formal curriculum, aiming to focus on special topics of science and humanities, on issues of environmental education, arts and physical education. On a regular basis we have a permanent collaboration with University Departments focusing on the mentoring and the training of future teachers from various scientific fields on a graduate and a postgraduate level.


Student quotes:

“I would like to learn about different cultures and meet new people.”

“I want to participate in a beneficial project for the environment”

“I would like to have fun and return home with unforgettable memories”.

“I can practice my foreign language skills and exchange ideas”


Our motive to join the project is to see different places, cultures and habits, other educational systems and explore other lifestyles as well. Another reason to join the program is to improve our presentation skills and learn more about the topic the program deals with, also to become open to new experiences that help us evolve as characters. Moreover, to test our adaptability by staying in someone’s house and last but most important to make new friends.






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