C1, C2 etc = LTT (Learning, teaching, training activity that includes student mobility)
M1, M2 etc = transnational project meetings (teachers only)
August / September 2017
participating countries are informed on all details concerning the work plan, objectives and timetables
getting ready for the first teacher meeting and setting its timetable and programme
informing the students (and their families) and the teachers of each school of the project
choosing the students for the project: getting photo/video permissions and agreements on attending an LTT
informing local media of the project
preparing a project file where all the information and certificates, invoices etc. are held (project management)
Late September 2017 | Finland
M1 (teacher meeting) in Finland (the coordinating country)
planning the exact dates for the meetings in year 1 and 2
getting to know each other
detailed instructions on tasks for C1
making the initial questionnaires
dividing the tasks
setting the basic rules (budget, deadlines etc) –workshop in Saimaa Media Center
following lessons
pedagogical café
workshop on Finnish school system
October 2017
preparation of the assignments for C1
school presentations
country + town presentations
background: finding out about Agenda 2030 + different areas of sustainability
each partner looks at different aspects of our project topics (guiding questions and division in M1): what is the attitude and state of art in each country? what are the problems in each country and the challenges for the future? What could we do?
student introduction videos on Twinspace
evaluation of M1
SWOT on the basis of evaluation
initial questionnaires for participants
November 2017 | Germany
C1 (learning, teaching, training activity including student mobility)
school and country presentations
comparing the challenges (explainities)
solutions for the challenges (explainities)
agenda 2030 into our youth agenda 2017-2019
making posters of the agenda
creating a news bulletin
creating a short video of C1
visits to eCar company/recycling center/power plant
interview of a Green Party politician
M2 (teacher meeting)
pedagogical cafe
jobs shadowing
possible lessons
teacher meetings on organizational matters (swot of M1, detailed instructions on the next tasks etc.)
comparing and discussing the initial questionnaires
December 2017
evaluation of C1 and M2
distribution of the news bulletin and video
distribution of the agenda to EU representatives and politicians in each country
December 2017-January 2018
preparation of the assignments for C2
logo for the project (uploading them into Twinspace)
finding out what each country/town/school does for environment: PP presentations (Twinspace)
interviewing someone who is involved in environmental issues (Twinspace)
surveys on food loss
presentations on local organic food producer
March 2018 | Austria
C2 (learning, teaching, training activity including student mobility)
Topic: ecological sustainability
comparing what each country/town/school does for environment -> making a small booklet on what is done, and what more could be done in each country
Earth hour -event: planning a-lesson- long event without electricity that will be held at the end of the meeting -> each country could do this later in the schools “souvenir”
creating a news bulletin
modifying and choosing the logo
Comparing the surveys on food loss -> posters on food loss
Visiting a local organic food producer/ fair trade company
creating a short video of C2
planning the event for C3 -> planning continues on twinspace/google docs
M3 (teacher meeting)
teacher meetings (swot of M2 + C1, organizational matters, making detailed instructions for the next tasks)
pedagogical café
lessons (as visiting teachers/job shadowing)
getting to know the concept of Eco School
getting to know sustainability in work
workshop on the Austrian school system
evaluation of C2
swot of C2
distribuing the newsletter and video of C2
March – April 2018
preparation of the assignments for C3
vocabulary of terms in sustainable development
facts and figures on gender equality (politics, business, society)
gender stereotypes - questionnaire -> summary
PP on gender stereotypes in your country
Earth Hour lesson – presentations
Earth Hour event “souvenir”
April/May 2018 | Finland
C3 (learning, teaching, training activity including student mobility)
Topic: ecological sustainability meets Social sustainability
Green reality and Green Campus - visits/visitors.
Earth Hour presentations
comparing facts and figures: posters/maps/graphs
creating the news bulletin
talk show on gender stereotypes (the whole spectrum)
putting together the vocabulary -> quizlet tests
short video of C3
an event that combines the themes environment + social: (eg garden spring clean for the disabled people’s home)
swot of M3, C2
interim report
detailed instructions for the next tasks
blog turns for the summer period
making a press release of the first year
evaluation form of year 1
evaluation of C3
swot of C3
distribution of the news bulletin and the video
June – September 2018
finalizing first year
interim report
evaluation of year 1
distributing our agenda and the press release to local media and other schools in the area and school authorities, as well as National agencies
voluntary work for students:
writing about their summer holidays and what they have done for the goals in their everyday life
preparation of the assignments for C4
facts and figures on minorities PP (Twinspace)
finding out about the laws regarding equality and human rights
video interview of a person of minority background
video interview of a human rights activist
a survey on attitudes towards minorities
September/October 2018 | Sweden
C4 (learning, teaching, training activity including student mobility)
topic: human rights and the improvement of the situation of minorities
comparing the facts and figures -> making kahoots
meeting minorities - a panel talk
our Agenda - what can we do? Finding solutions - a charity event
comparing the surveys on attitudes -> summary article
a workshop on Self-Leadership/Entrepreneurship for sustainability
making the newsbulletin
creating a video of C4
M4 (teacher meeting)
evaluation of year 1, swot of C3
workshop on Self-Leadership/Entrepreneurship for sustainability/the Swedish school system
discussion on interim reports and year 2 timetables and organizational issues
pedagogical cafe
preparing the detailed instructions for the next tasks
possible new projects?
evaluation of C4, M5
swot of C4, M5
November 2018
preparation of the assignments for C5
youth unemployment: the facts and figures - PP (twinspace)
10 tips for how to behave in a job interview – handout article
how to get a job? video interview of an employer
Finding out about CSR (Corporate Social responsibilty): how does it show (or does it) in each country? Choose one local company, and present it in the light of CSR
February 2019 | Greece
C5 (learning, teaching, training activity including student mobility)
an interactive event in the Ancient Agora using drama techniques
- visit at the Hellenic Ornithological Society on environmental issues in the Mediterranean
- role play: a good job interview/a bad job interview (to be filmed and uploaded on Twinspace, based on handouts and video interviews)
- article: on 1) how to get a job 2) job opportunities 3) what skills are needed to get a job
- letters to the editor: how to reduce youth unemployment?
- creating a news bulletin
- presenting the CSR case study
- creating a video of C5
M5 (teacher meeting)
workshops on drama in teaching/multimedia in teaching/ the Greek school system (emphasis on experimental schools)
organisational issues
swot of C4, M5
preparing detailed instructions for the next tasks: choosing possible other topics that have come up during the project
job shadowing/guest teaching
pedagogical café
possible new projects – planning
evaluation of C5, M6
swot of C5, M6
March 2019
preparation of the assignments for C6
brainstorming for the event, but in the end the hosting country decides what is realistic and can be done: pre-tasks for the event (presentations etc.)
finding out about the other topics that may have risen in our Agenda: presentations
inviting the members of the embassy
media study on sustainability in each country
self-evaluation on our Agenda and its goals
May 2019 | Italy
C6 (learning, teaching, training activity including student mobility)
putting together the work on our Agenda and presenting it to local authorities and media ( a panel talk and seminar: since each country has their embassies in Athens, maybe we could invite a member of each embassy (e.g. ambassador) and local authorities to our panel discussion)
comparing the results of the media study and the self-evaluation: presentations
creating an event to promote our Agenda
creating a video of C6
creating the news bulletin
role plays/drama regarding our goals
group work on how to continue our Agenda
M6 (teacher meeting)
workshop on students with social problems and the Italian school system
preparing the final seminar and event together
pedagogical café
job shadowing/ guest teaching
ideas on the final report
writing a press release on the results of the project to be distributed to NGOs
creating the final questionnaire
final questionnaire for all participants (teachers, students)
evaluation of C6, M7
distribution of the project results to relevant NGOs
summary of evaluations of C6, M7
June 2019
finalizing project
presenting the information about the project results to the students, teachers of the Erasmus+ team, school and local community
distributing the video/newsletter
wrapping up the project
June – August 2019
finish paperwork
final swot and evaluation: analyzing the progress and development of students and teachers during the two years of the project
writing of the final report
voluntary student work: writing blog entries about the influence of the project on them